Tuesday 13 May 2014


Have you ever tried to come up with a blog name and a domain that matches?  It isn't that easy!  It is as though everyone and their dog have a blog.  Ha Ha Ha, I guess so if I am trying this out!

Really, I am just looking for a place to vent.  Being a city girl in the Prairies can be a little rough.  Making friends is an issue.

I sorta had an ahha  moment.  Friendship is the same as an relationship with a guy.  Do you make the first move?  Do you invite her over for coffee?  A movie?  Great, you are starting a friendship.  What if you say the wrong thing?  Have radically different parenting skills?  You swear like a sailor, what if that offends her?   Let's not forget religion, which can be a big deal living in a Bible Belt!

So you have been friends for a while. You invite her family over for meals and our husbands become friends.  We do activities together and our kids adore one and other.  But then things change.

She starts hanging out with other people, which is great.  She has a huge heart, however she starts to cancel plans and putting others a head of you.  You put up with it because you cherish your friendship.  It goes on for awhile, feeling like you are being ignored.  Do you mention something or put up with it.   It gets bad enough that you are now resentful with anyone else she chooses instead of you.  She asks if there is something wrong.  You decide to share your thoughts because you know, or you think you know, she would respect that because of her education.  She apologies and says something about taking me for granted because we are so close.

Things get better for a little while, but the same events repeat over and over.  You work hard to keep the friendship going but it doesn't look like it will get better.  If she were a boyfriend you were dating, you realize you would have dumped her months ago.  So now you decide to let her go.  It breaks your heart.

So that brings me to today.  I'm sad.  I am sitting here writing this I front of the TV watching Star Trek reruns.  I was supposed to hang out with my friend this afternoon. but she hasn't even responded to a few texts I sent yesterday asking if I offended her.  I'm disappointed.  But it's okay.

 I will end this post with a quote.

"Oh, sometimes I think it is of no use to make friends. They only go out of your life after awhile and leave a hurt that is worse than the emptiness before they came."

                                                                                                      L.M. Montgomery

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